Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome to our Kindergarten blog.  I hope that this site will help keep you informed about what we are doing in class, upcoming events, and much more.  I also hope this blog can help you and your child answer the common question, “What did you do at school today?”  Often this question is answer with a shrug or blank stare.  If so, this blog can help spark memories from our busy days.  Feel free to share this site with family members as a way to keep them updated.

Tonight I had a chance to read the many questions that were sent your way about your child.  It amazes me to read about the unique and special children that I will have the privilege of working with this year.  I am so excited to have begun my journey in getting to know and work with your child.  It is very clear that I have a group of very loved and cared about children.  I feel very lucky to be a part of your child's life!  One thing that I love about my job is the relationships I get to build with these amazing kids.  Just reading the "getting to know your child" paper work has me ecstatic to start our year!  I love being a kindergarten teacher because I am blessed with seeing kids grow crazy amounts academically and socially.  Kindergarten is a year where we will work on becoming independent and responsible.  We will learn to read, write, add, subtract.  It is going to be a great year!  Here we go!

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