Homework Calendar

Homework Calendar

The homework calendar is an excellent way to see your child’s academic skills at home.  All of the skills on the calendar have been taught.  If you miss a day, or are busy one night and don’t get around to the activity, please, do not worry about it, pick another night to do the activity. All of the activities on the calendar are intended to be done with an adult.  I love seeing what you are working on at home.  If your child brings in the activity back to school they can choose a sticker to go on it.  If your child brings back the calendar with your initials next to all the activities that were completed at home, he/she can ear a prize!

December Calendar


Read a story with an adult, was it non-fiction or fiction?  Find the title page or table of contents.

Write numbers 0 to 12.
Ask your child which number is greater between
15 and 6
8 and 9

       12 and 11

Practice reading and writing the sight words.

Sort socks into two categories: white socks and not white socks.

Ask your child what sound is at the beginning of  
dog   hen
log  beach
vet   tank
met   night

Count backwards from 12.

Practice writing all the lowercase letters of the alphabet.

Read a story with an adult talk about the setting and characters in the story.

What is the author’s job? What is the illustrator’s job?

Practice writing your first and last name 5 times using your best handwriting.  

Practice reading and writing the sight words.

Name as many words as you can think of that rhyme with dog, bat, map, sock, pan.

Count the syllables in the words.

Write two sentences about your winter break!

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