Thursday, September 25, 2014

Apples and Applesauce

Apples and Applesauce
Starting October 6th we will be doing a lot of fun activities with apples.  In math, we will be doing an apple taste test.  We will also be making applesauce on Wednesday, October 8thPlease send 2-3 apples to school with your child as soon as possible! 
*If your child’s first name starts with A-C: Please make sure one of the apples is red.
*If your child’s first name starts with G-M: Please make sure one of the apples is yellow.
* If your child’s first name starts with P-Z: Please make sure one of the apples is green.
I need volunteers to help peel and cut up apples at home on Monday, October 6th.  I would send home apples with your child and then you would send them back to school on Tuesday, October 7th.  We need a lot of apples to make applesauce so any help at home would be great!  I will also need 2-3 volunteers to help make the applesauce in the morning on October 8th from 9:30-10:30.  I will pick volunteers on a first come first serve basis.J  Please let me know as soon as possible if you can help at home or volunteer at school.J 

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