Monday, September 29, 2014

Pajama Day!

It's homecoming week!  Today we celebrated with pajama day!

We had a great day!  Can't wait for wacky day tomorrow!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Apples and Applesauce

Apples and Applesauce
Starting October 6th we will be doing a lot of fun activities with apples.  In math, we will be doing an apple taste test.  We will also be making applesauce on Wednesday, October 8thPlease send 2-3 apples to school with your child as soon as possible! 
*If your child’s first name starts with A-C: Please make sure one of the apples is red.
*If your child’s first name starts with G-M: Please make sure one of the apples is yellow.
* If your child’s first name starts with P-Z: Please make sure one of the apples is green.
I need volunteers to help peel and cut up apples at home on Monday, October 6th.  I would send home apples with your child and then you would send them back to school on Tuesday, October 7th.  We need a lot of apples to make applesauce so any help at home would be great!  I will also need 2-3 volunteers to help make the applesauce in the morning on October 8th from 9:30-10:30.  I will pick volunteers on a first come first serve basis.J  Please let me know as soon as possible if you can help at home or volunteer at school.J 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Welcome to our Kindergarten blog.  I hope that this site will help keep you informed about what we are doing in class, upcoming events, and much more.  I also hope this blog can help you and your child answer the common question, “What did you do at school today?”  Often this question is answer with a shrug or blank stare.  If so, this blog can help spark memories from our busy days.  Feel free to share this site with family members as a way to keep them updated.