Tuesday, December 16, 2014

We had a great time making gingerbread houses today!  There were so many creative houses!

Thank you to all the family and friends that helped make this day so great!

Friday, November 7, 2014


We have been working on graphing and these are two of the graphs we made together as a class.  The first one is from apple week.  We did a taste test and the students graphed which color apple tasted the best.

Next we graphed our fall leaves by color.  Many of the leaves had more than one color on them, so the students had to decide on their own what color the leaf was.
 Last week the Room parents put together a great Halloween party for our class.  Here is our class all dressed up!

Kindergarten teachers were super heroes.  It was a great day!

Monday, October 13, 2014


Before the walk-a-thon there was a theme contest.  Here are some of our students that dressed like their parents!

After the theme contest we began our walk to Lakeview Park.

The walk went well and we all had a great time playing games and eating our picnic lunches.  After the walk was incentive time.  The student that raised the most money from our class got to put a pie in Ms. Anderson's face!
Thank you to all the students and families that raised money for our school during the walk-a-thon!  Also a big thank you to all the parents that helped out that day to make the event such a memorable one!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wacky Day!

I was very impressed with all the creative wacky outfits that the students wore!  There were mismatched shoes, backwards shirts, gelled up hair, and lots of crazy patterned clothes!  We are having a great homecoming week!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Pajama Day!

It's homecoming week!  Today we celebrated with pajama day!

We had a great day!  Can't wait for wacky day tomorrow!